Getting Vulnerable
A podcast that deep dives into LIVED EXPERIENCES through mental health and motherhood. One of the hardest things when you’re battling with a mental illness or entering into motherhood is loneliness. I’m Lou Fitz, ex-anxiety sufferer, mentor, mum, recovering perfectionist and procrastinator, gin lover, real talker. And I’m here to bring you the inside scoop of my lessons and learnings from fighting and beating a 20 year battle with anxiety
52 episodes
What are my 5 top values and my Why? An insight into who I am
In this weeks episode I share with you a little bit more about my values and an insight into who I am. I believe this is so important, because CONNECTION - being my highest value is key. And how do we build connection - is through vulnerability...
Season 2
Episode 51
Sick of Overthinking? My 3 Tips to more confidence to back yourself & your decisions [BONUS Episode]
In this weeks episode I share with you 3 Tips that will help you in bringing more confidence back to yourself, especially in those times of over-analysing and over-thinking things. Please reach out to me if you want more support with these tips...
Season 2
Episode 50
Can you get over anxiety? What works & what doesn't - an insiders perspective
In this weeks episode I share with you an insiders perspective on whether I think you can get over anxiety and what worked for me and what didn't. I share what I did to get out of a 20yr battle and my perspectives on 'modern day/traditional' st...
Season 2
Episode 49
How to use your anxiety & your past to be the best version of yourself
In this weeks episode I share with you examples of how you can start stripping back your anxiety and using it as leverage to get to the deeper rooted problem and how, by flipping your perspective on your past, you can use those challenging time...
Season 2
Episode 48
Loss of Identity - How to know where to start when you feel stuck
"It's not what others need in the world, it's what you need in order to come alive, because the world needs more people who have come alive" - Brenè BrownIn this weeks episode I share with you lots of prompts and exercises and a persona...
Season 2
Episode 47
3 things that helped me conquer anxiety & building confidence in yourself
In this weeks episode I share with you the 3 Steps that can help you build more confidence and start moving out of the anxious-shit-storm-cycle.I think we ca...
Season 2
Episode 46
How your anxiety affects your kids and what you can do about it
Whether you struggle with anxiety, or you are seeing signs in your kids of anxiety, my hope this episode will support you in some way, this episode is for you, as I share my own experience through the feelings of "I'm scared of passing my anxie...
Season 2
Episode 45
2 Steps & 10mins to learning how you can carve space for what truly matters to you
Carving space for what truly matters to you?This episode is for you if you have these thoughts circling in your mind of;"I don't have time" - which I'm sure is everyone"Why do I feel guilty for doing xyz""Why can...
Season 2
Episode 44
How you can stop your anxiety from making you feel crazy
Does your anxiety make you feel like a crazy banshee? Does it impact your life in a rollercoaster like way. In and out of feeling like you're "getting better"?In this weeks episode I share with you the steps to take to start the process...
Season 2
Episode 43
"I'm a shit parent" "I'm not good enough" - How to support yourself with these thoughts
Do you get frustrated at yourself for constantly comparing to the outside world & thinking you're NOT "good Enough"? Do you find yourself feeling jealous/envious which then triggers the self-doubt talk, the ‘what’s wrong with m...
Season 2
Episode 42
Constant Fear of something bad happening -How to overcome irrational fears in Motherhood
In this episode I talk about that tube of FEAR that feeds our anxiety. Fear steals so many moments, memories and parts of us that would help us to have a fun, adventurous, authentic life! I my own experiences with fear and how it increased when...
Season 2
Episode 41
Motherhood, Mental OVERLOAD & how Vulnerability can support you right now
In this episode I talk about how anxiety adds to the Mental Overload List and HOW you can start reducing it through vulnerability, plus I go into a few different directions on the below topics of how Anxiety brings a added layers in the form of...
Season 2
Episode 40
Reflection 2022 LIVE -unplanned & vulnerable
Come with me as I reflect on the year of 2022. I take you LIVE with me as I unpack this year and share what has come up for me personally, in biz and my perspectives I'm sure will help you see your own 2022 reflections in a new light.If ...
Season 2
Episode 39
The 1 thing you NEED in order to reduce your Overwhelm during the Silly Season & Beyond
Wholly f*cking duck shit. Anyone else exhausted and overwhelmed? Feeling like there's no way out other than to "push through"? I know this time of year can be super hectic and so in this episode I share with you the 1 thing that you...
Season 2
Episode 38
How to stop Anxiety breaking you
In this episode I share my process of HOW TO stop anxiety from breaking you and showing you where you should start? This is your last chance to join the Confidence to Be™ Mastermind where I guide you through the EXACT steps in doing this -all f...
Season 2
Episode 37
A 20year battle with anxiety - the steps I took to get out
In this episode I take you through the Steps I took to get out of my 20year battle with anxiety and I also share with you what's different about my approach in the Confidence to Be™ 4 Month Mastermind? Doors are closing Sunday 4th September 202...
Season 2
Episode 36
What it was like as a teenager with anxiety - My Story
We are back and looking a little different🙌🏼 Here is our New Look Podcast Cover.We have a new episode landing today too, where I share a snippet of my teenage years and perspectives when it comes to anxiety in youth/teens.Please ...
Season 2
Episode 35
Men & Anxiety - my outside perspective
In honour of the guys who don't feel like they have space to speak about emotions, please know I see you & I'm here to listen and support you through. Please can you share this with any guys or families that you think will benefit.Pl...
Season 2
Episode 34
[BONUS] This podcast won't solve your problems😲
We often look for anything to help us 'get out' of the shitstorms inside out heads. The next best podcast, self-help book, masterclass, you name it, we've done it all right? But why isn't it giving you long-lasting results? Why can't you implem...
Season 2
Episode 33
"Just don't worry about it" TRIGGERED 😵💫
I hated when people would say to me, just don't worry about it. It would trigger the fuck out of me, it would make it worse. Take a listen as I share my experience with this and the new perspective that I have now, where I don't give any fucks....
Season 2
Episode 32
Top 4 Fears to bust through
This episode is for the passionate, determined, go-getter who wants more out of life and wants to bust through the fears that annoy the shit out of you.If you're sick of the short-term bandaids and ready to go deep with me on your fears ...
Season 2
Episode 31
What's on the other side of Self-Doubt?
If you doubt yourself and can't seem to move through the constant self doubt, second guessing, overwhelm shitstorm cycle, then this episode will give you the inspiration and motivation you need to take that next step towards building self-trust...
Season 2
Episode 30
What is your Anxiety telling you? A lived Experience Perspective
In this episode I share my views and perspectives on what anxiety was telling me? What it looked like? I share examples that I know will resonate with you. If you feel like the only one with the crazy shit in your head, please listen to this.&n...
Season 2
Episode 29
Why is it so hard to be vulnerable
The most listened to episode to date, has been the one where I talk about the topic of Vulnerability. So I wanted to speak to this again, as I have been having a lot of conversations around why it's so hard to be vulnerable.Some Journal ...
Season 2
Episode 28
[BONUS EPISODE] Fear of losing anxiety - what's stopping you?
In this episode I share how it feels not having anxiety control your life - the feeling of being free from the noise inside your head, not worrying/caring about what others were thinking of you, having TIME to do the shit you want, without peop...
Season 2
Episode 27